Numerous inappropriate or spam requests may contribute to permanent blocking of the ability to write tickets. If when opening technical support window you see an error, this means that you have been blocked.
Spam / Inappropriate treatment
Duration: Forever with the opportunity to appeal via social networks
Blocking in support chat
It is prohibited to use nicknames that contain insults in any way. manifestations:
Inappropriate or obscene content
Duration: 7 days - 30 days
Resetting the nickname and prohibiting it from changing, as well as prohibiting sending personal messages, messages in the match chat and writing comments in user profiles.
Placing a swastika image and materials on the profile avatar pornographic in nature, as well as any other images that sow discord based on race, nationality, religion, gender sign.
Inappropriate or obscene content
Duration: 7 days - 30 days
Resetting an avatar and prohibiting its addition, as well as prohibiting sending personal messages, messages in the match chat and writing comments in user profiles.
The effect of the ban is doubled, depending on previous violations. If you have already received a ban related to connection or confirmation readiness for the match, then each time the duration of the ban will be double in size.
Duration: 5 minutes - 24 hours
Block for participation in matches with anti-cheat
It is prohibited to post and distribute malicious links (screamers, sites for selling files and other resources that can cause moral, psychological harm to human health) cheats, sale platform accounts. Placements and distribution include: User profiles, general chat on the tournament page, match chat, private messages.
Distribution of cheats or malware/links, Scam
Duration: 30 days - 1 year
Restrictions on posting, changing nicknames, adding/changing an avatar, sending personal messages and messages to match chat.
Obscene language, the appearance of which is caused by ordinary emotional condition, is not regulated in any way, in other cases, any verbal insults, insults based on race, nationality and religion grounds, as well as sexism, death threats, etc. can lead to limited account functions.
Only the general chat of the match is reviewed for violations and only from its participants.
Note: A player who received a penalty while on game server, does not lose the ability to send messages to the general chat, it will become unavailable after the match ends. After issuing the ban the user will be immediately limited in the rights to post and sending personal messages on the site.
Unsportsmanlike conduct
Duration: 1 day - 1 year
Restrictions on posting, sending private messages and messages to the general match chat.
Any obstacle to normal play is prohibited - leaking information about location on the map or other data about the player, intentional causing damage to your teammate, using grenades against your commands, blocking movement, inaction in various situations, AFK and any such actions.
Note: A ban will not be issued for this reason players who are in full party. Subject to consideration complaints, the period of which does not exceed 14 days from the end of the match.
Special drain of the game (inaction), obstruction of the game, intentional causing damage to allies, special leaking of information in the game, massacre of allies.
Duration: 1 day - 30 days
Block for participation in matches with anti-cheat
It is prohibited to use in-game errors that cause obvious advantage over opponents.
If you encounter a bug that was caused unintentionally and this bug gave you an advantage, then you must prevent it (by any accessible way), and also, preferably, after the match, inform us about this in support. In this case, blocking is not provided.
Abuse of in-game bugs
Duration: 7 days - 1 year
Block for participation in matches with anti-cheat
It is prohibited to use any software (or built into devices) security that gives an advantage in the game.
It is prohibited to use game modifications (for example, removing textures, removal of smoke grenades, etc., etc.). These violations are equivalent to cheats, even if there was no prohibited software used.
Using cheats / Exploiting game vulnerabilities
Duration: 1 year - forever
Block for participation in matches with anti-cheat
It is prohibited to play in leagues and tournaments from more than one account. IN if the user uses different accounts to play in one and the same league or tournament, then from all existing user accounts verifications will be removed and prizes will be cancelled.
Removing verification without the possibility of going through it again
Any abuse of the ELO system that gives the player an unfair taking advantage is strictly prohibited.
Abuse of the ELO system
Duration: 1 month - forever
Block for participation in matches with anti-cheat
If the user specifically uses methods that result in server failure, then he is limited from playing on platform.
DDoS attacks on game servers
Duration: 1 month - forever
Block for participation in matches with anti-cheat
It is prohibited to intentionally bypass any active restrictions on the site.
Same as on the previous account
Duration: 1 day - forever
Block for participation in matches with anti-cheat
The use of custom matches for commercial purposes is prohibited. The administration has the right to cancel a match that is used for holding a tournament for commercial purposes. If you want to spend tournament, fill out the form.
The appeal process is possible for any of the points except: “Inadmissible nickname”, “Avatar”, “Posting inappropriate content” and “Conduct in chat.” You can only request an appeal once per ban. Further requests will be considered spam. Maximum term The processing time for an appeal for any type of violation is 24 hours. The processing time directly depends on the number of requests during filing an appeal, for this reason, a maximum time period is indicated consideration.
It is prohibited to impersonate a platform employee, for example, an agent technical support, tournament judge, etc.
Duration: 1 year - forever
Block for participation in matches with anti-cheat
Supporting cheating means playing on the same team with a player who uses prohibited software to obtain fraudulent advantages in the game. All players who were on the same team as players who have been caught using cheats are subject to blocking for a period of 180 days or more, depending on the specific situations and decisions of the platform administration.
Duration: 180 days - forever
Block for participation in matches with anti-cheat