Counter-Strike 2

1118 users online
292 matches now

Can I reschedule verification?Toggle

You need to contact support and provide evidence that you no longer have access to your Steam account. Evidence may be:

  • Description of the situation that caused the loss
  • Screenshot of a dialogue with a Steam support agent

Note: Each request is reviewed support staff individually. You may be denied postponing verification if the evidence base is not complete.

What should I do if I have lost access to my Steam account?Toggle

You need to contact support and provide evidence that that you no longer have access to your account.

Can I reset my statistics?Toggle

It is impossible to reset personal statistics.

Why can't I play in a party of 4 people?Toggle

Based on our statistics, matches in the 4+1 format are the most uncomfortable from the point of view of the gaming experience for the match participants, and also significantly increase selection time.

Why does the message "There are blocked players in your party" appear when you start the search?Toggle

  • You have an active block on another account.
  • One of the players in your party has an active ban on current account or on another.

Why can't I leave a complaint about a player from my full party?Toggle

Five players are responsible for each other and the actions of their team, therefore no punishment is issued for:

  • Early exit from the game
  • Obstruction of the game
  • Inaction
  • Dealing damage to allies
  • Draining information
  • etc.

The essence of the above punishments is to prevent strangers from spoiling games for each other.

How to create a team?Toggle

Go to the “Teams” tab, then on the left click on “Create” team." In the window that appears, write the name and tag of the team, as well as description if desired.

How to register for the tournament?Toggle

Go to the page of the tournament you are interested in from the main page site and click on the “Participate in the tournament” button.